Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sewing Project

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So I've been in the mood lately to do some sewing! It's been close to 2 years since I have sewn anything, and in fact, a few weeks ago when I pulled out my sewing machine, a very important tiny screw was missing! 4 phone calls to Sears, 3 incorrectly shipped orders and I finally have my screw and can use my machine! So, I made these little dresses today, for my girls. I still have to finish the straps on Olivia's tomorrow morning before church! I bought cream shirts for them to wear underneath so they don't freeze, and I can't wait to see them in them! I'm excited for more projects!!!

Also, today, we had an amazing private speech lesson with Sam! It was the first private lesson we've done in over a year. He did so well! For the first time, I got to hear him say his name "Sam", instead of "Am". She really worked with him on combining letters and it was so fun! I'm excited to keep this going. Even tonight when I would say, "what is your name", he would stop and think about it and then slowly say "ssssam" It was awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for Sam! Every bit of progress is so encouraging!
