Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another Tough Day

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I am so tired of the sickies!!!  I am ready for them to be gone.  Poor Mitchell is struggling with an earache that has moved from his right ear, now to his left.  At least the pain isn't as bad in his right ear anymore, but still. I just feel horrible for him.  Noah was a bit better today, but still has some goopy eyes and a yucky nose.  I'm so ready to be done with this so I can get back to our routine.  I really wanted to go to my  yoga class tomorrow, but I just don't think he is quite well enough yet.

As for the picture above, I totally forgot until bedtime to take a picture today.  I mean, honestly, I can only stand so many pictures of sick children!  Abby is healthy (and still wearing her spaghetti mustache from dinner) so I snagged a pic!  Also, I almost forgot to mention that even though I've had sick ones to care for, Sam had a great day!  It was probably one of his best in a very, very  long time.  I've been using the oils on him, diligently, and I think they have a calming effect!  Today I did them 3 times, and each massage was about 15-20 minutes long.  That, combined with more sensory things are really paying off.  The other exciting thing about Sam is that he is starting to use sign language.  He will sign all of his colors and use them.  For example, if I give him a choice between rice chex or corn chex, he signed "green" for the box color of the corn chex.  It has been a lot of fun!  I know some colors, but not all, so today, he was trying to show us the sign for pink, and we just weren't getting it.  He wasn't happy with us and stormed over to the bookcase to find something with the color pink on it!  It was adorable and such a good sign!  I need to pull out my books and freshen  up my signing.  I think he is ready to really grow with this!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I am so sorry you are still dealing with sick kids:( Poor babies!

    Yay for Sam!!!!!! He is so smart and it will be so great to see him communicating what he wants to say. I miss you guys so much! Mom and I were talking about another girls trip up...especially if she can't get Dad up there soon, we will be planning a trip!
    Love you!
