Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Best 50 cents ever...

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The more that I read and learn and talk about autism, the more hope I feel for the future. In fact today, I feel almost giddy! I know we have a long road ahead of us, and that it may never get easy, but I don't feel so alone anymore and I know that there are answers and solutions and reasons. Granted, we still don't have an official diagnosis, but I really feel in my heart that he will be on the spectrum, he just fits too many of these symptoms!

One of the things I am learning to figure out for him (until we can meet with an OT to do it more exact) is a sensory diet. Even before the autism thing was being considered, we've known that he is very sensory seeking in most things. There are a few sensory things he avoids, but mostly he needs deep input and will seek it no matter what. This has resulted in more messes and more ruined makeup than I could ever add up! I've known for awhile that I need to give him controlled sensory opportunities, but its just hard to even know where to start.

Well, today I broke down and spent about $6.00 on 5 cans of shaving cream! Then I put him in the tub and literally squirted out half a can (which is a lot more than one would think!) I let him play for as long as he wanted. There were no restrictions, no rules, just free play. Then we turned on the shower (which I just discovered that he totally LOVES) and he curled up in a ball and sat under the shower (with it hitting his back) for a good 15-20 minutes. In all, it was about an hour of playtime in the tub. He was in heaven and so was I. It was nice to see him happy. Overall, he has been doing better. I think it has helped to limit his stimulation. I even took him out on some errands today, and he did very well. I was patient, explained everything to him before we did it, and he did great!

I'm excited to see where this journey continues to take us, and I truly believe that that which does not kill us, makes us stronger! I am grateful for all he teaches me and I'm thankful that even in the darkest, deepest moments, there is always hope and apparently, shaving cream!!!


  1. Have they started him on a brushing technique? Im just curious...

  2. We kind of got a loose one, several years ago, that I try to do, but I think he needs it updated. He always gets very relaxed when we do any sort of tickling his back or brushing.
